Darlene Templeton is a professional speaker, trainer, executive coach and author. A master in LEADERSHIP and TRANSFORMATION, Darlene’s extensive corporate experience (36 years with IBM) has given her the tools to transform even the most experienced executives into world-class leaders! An intuitive and results oriented leader herself.
A Dynamic Speaker
Darlene engages and leads participants through dynamic and interactive transformations, enhancing their ability to be highly effective and insightful leaders. Darlene has a special talent for easily connecting with audiences and workshop participants, creating immediate feelings of trust and integrity.
Gifted with humor and a natural-born storyteller, her presentation style is exceptionally enthusiastic, energizing and fun! She entertains, motivates and inspires—always leaving her clients and audiences empowered with the tools for leadership, extraordinary results and professional excellence.

Improve Employee Engagement from the INSIDE OUT!
The 3 C’s of Employee Engagement:
Career – Contribution – Communication
Employee surveys show that only one-third of the employees in the workplace are fully engaged in their jobs today, on average. Navigating careers in this environment can be very challenging. Darlene will share the three critical success steps that will provide the audience with the tools to help move their own career forward, help others be more engaged in the organization, and increase their overall confidence and performance.

How to Unleash Your Super Hero Leadership Powers!
“Everything’s impossible until somebody does it”
– Batman
Who doesn’t remember their favorite super heroes? Mine was of course, Wonder Woman! They all were “faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.” They were SUPER HEROES and LEADERS in everything they did and were in service to others! They believed in utilizing all their “super powers” to help and support others, they believed in inspiring and motivating their teams and help them build their “super powers” and they achieved not only their goals, but the goals and results of their team and so many others! This sounds like an AMAZING and SUPER HERO leader in today’s challenging business world!

RAMP Up Your Leadership Skills
Enhance your leadership skills to achieve greater success in life & business!
Effective leaders must continue to identify, develop, and sharpen their own leadership skills for both personal and professional growth. Outstanding leaders know how to skillfully inspire, motivate, and empower others to do their very best and achieve success. Darlene will provide you the key tools, techniques, and strategies so that you can enhance your existing leadership skills, improve your personal performance, and communicate and engage with others more effectively. You will leave feeling inspired, empowered,and ready to achieve greater success in your life, both personally and professionally.

How can Darlene Help You?
Darlene can customize presentations specifically for your audience and requirements. She can also deliver her engaging messages in many different formats including:
- Keynotes
- General and Breakout Sessions
- Workshops, Seminars, and Facilitated Meetings
- Panel Discussions
- Corporate Training Programs
- Executive Coaching
- Business Coaching and Consulting
- Strategic Planning
Darlene on Demand!
eCourses and Virtual Program Offerings

In this e-Course, you’ll learn invaluable skills that you can use now and later, including how to manage overwhelm, create a fluid business model, be intentional in promoting yourself and your business, and how to create a culture of confidence.
About Templeton and Associates
Darlene Templeton is a speaker, business strategist, and leadership coach. She is in the business of SUCCESS and GROWTH. With her 40+ years of Fortune 100 business knowledge and experience, she can help you, whether you’re an entrepreneur, individual, or a corporation, to see the gaps from a bird’s eye view, help you develop an action plan, and get on and STAY ON the path to SUCCESS and GROWTH so that you can achieve your goals both professionally and personally.
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